Saturday, November 25, 2023

Two opinions I have

Even if you go out of your way to recycle soft plastics, they will still end up in the bin, just not yours. Recycling is just a coping mechanism for people who stare down the abyss that is climate change and act like they haven’t been part of the problem. 

When you see a bug on the wall, you should escort it outside. You might think, they live around me anyways, and they’re all over the house. The only difference is I usually don’t see them. But you should ask someone to evacuate it regardless. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The importance of scheming

You’re supposed to have backups for lots of things, including machinations your friends don’t even know about that u may or may not get to reveal later  



Then I take a picture

One of the most tragic things about life is not being able to fully do the thing in the amount of time you’d prefer to do it. Like if I camp in a car with my friends and then wake up before them and it’s sunrise and I walk close enough to the ocean that the waves spray my knees, I want to maximize that experience, you know? I want to offer my absolute attention so that I can be transformed.

I take a picture. I say, “a picture cannot capture such a thing.” Someone in my head says: “a cliche” but we know I will still say it all the time because my statement is true and I can’t describe it any other way. I like that it’s a cliche because all cliches are true. 

If I can’t bathe myself in this moment then what is it but yet another gorgeous setting and convergence all wasted on me? I, who was blessed enough to witness such a thing. 

The excess beauty goes down the drain. We worry that it isn’t safe to have a vessel of experiences held by just one person.

The very specific way I want to hurt him is

Us battling as characters in an old-school arcade game where I can kick him in his 2-bit stomach over and over again



Shortly after

This morning I wanted to cry so badly, I was frustrated and felt a swell of emotion. But if I did, I would worry my friend sitting across from me and it would take so long to stop her pity. 

The feeling of wanting to cry left me shortly after. I wonder where it went 




I am trying to figure out if I am a gossip 

Or if I just like dissecting social dynamics with my peers



We sat

Silently in the car on the way back 

Both of us with new haircuts. 



Not Tofu

I went and waited a half hour in line for "tofu shoten" because my exact thinking was that other Asians love soft tofu dessert and I should get on board. And the shop ppl were so lovely we had a nice exchange about their relocation and I got three items. Then I sat in the market and ate the tofu and it had peanuts on it that I didn’t want so I kept them in my cheeks like a chipmunk with each bite until the end when I held my breath and chewed them all up and swallowed. I had to fucking snarf that expensive tofu there was so much of it and I wanted to walk. I also had to chug my red sugar soy milk because my hands were busy!!

I walked through the deli. I was here the other day and there was a lady hawking samples but no one wanted them. The guy working at the store told her to hang in there and the lady looked pissed, she said "I know" like she did not want an ounce of pity. I heard it too so I knew that was embarrassing, it's humiliating being overheard for breaking the fourth wall.

Anyways. This time I came across a lady with samples of Brie but I didn't stop because I fully wasn’t going to buy anything. But I was just so peckish for something savory so I came back and feigned disinterest in the Brie and allowed her to suggest it to me. As I chewed the Brie the lady tried to sell me a package and said "hm not now it’s too heavy for me at the moment" and she lost interest in me FAST. I can’t remember if I heard a hmph or not but probably I did.

But actually when I tasted that fucking Brie, it was so GOOD I was like this just fucking hits that fucking spot. It was so like a bit stinky and creamy and the flavor was so strong and beautiful. I could easily sit on the couch w a triangle of that and a baguette and I would be so so happy. I still might go back to buy it and do that later. It just fucking was so good.

So I’m sorry to the tofu people and also to my culture as well but I fucking was so obsessed w this Brie even though I know my intestinal system will reject it. Is that a sign? My body doesn’t want it because it’s not for my Asian innards? But it does want it. I thought of my friend who is currently discovering new cheeses in Italy and I thought of the joy she gets from cheese…. she would get it.

Idk how to describe good tofu just like… soft? Texture held together? Not like raw tasting? But it didn’t do anything for me. The appeal of a place like "tofu shoten" just like, a lot of ppl get this thing wrong and we’ve got it right. But that fucking cheese was like… showing off. Damn. Just different mediums I guess. And just exactly what I wanted to eat. I’m never really in the mood for a well-made slice of tofu… though it happens I suppose. 

I tracked a lady

I was behind a lady this morning who was eating a chunk of baguette while walking around the city. She dropped her bread in the middle of the street, cursed, then picked it up. It was just the final butt of the baguette, but she put it in her pocket. I watched her. She passed a trash can and didn’t chuck it in. Maybe she was saving it for a pet at home. Maybe she was going to eat it. I would’ve eaten it, it was only on the ground for a moment. I followed her. I watched her cross the street. She had a long drapey black coat on with large pockets. She had thick glasses and terrible posture. She was listening to something through wired earbuds. Was it a podcast? Was she talking to someone on the phone, did she tell them about the bread? Did she even care about its fate or did she want to forget about it? She pushed her hand further into her pocket, leaving her hand in the pocket for the length of a block. Perhaps squeezing it. I bet it was soft.

We approached the library. By this point I was far off my path to my office. She didn’t stop to break bread with the seagulls surrounding the lawn. She exited the footpath and sat on a ledge.

She looked around. There was a high school group nearby but they were distracted.

She reached into her pocket.

She rustled around.

I stood behind the tree.

She took out the bread.

She took a bite.

I fucking knew it.